• p-ISSN:2348-9839   e-ISSN:2394-5222
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Aims and Scope

Era's Journal of Medical Research is Bi-Annual and double-blind peer reviewed Indexed International Journal published by Era's Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Era University, Lucknow in association with American University of Barbados (AUB). It covers almost all thespecialties/sub-specialties of Medical Science to enhance and upgrade the research work. It publishes original researchwork and provides recent research updates. It also helps to promote the communication between the academicians andresearchers nationally and internationally.

EJMR publishes studies performed by lateral and intervention researcher in the various disciplines of medicine, including clinical trials and cohort studies from large patient populations, specifically:

  1. Medical research with multidisciplinary fields and medical innovation are regular feature in EJMR.
  2. Reports of patients with common presentations or diseases, especially studies that delineate the natural history and therapy of important medical and therapeutic conditions.
  3. Reviews oriented information thirst medical / diagnostic therapeutic and paramedical branch manuscript are also included in the EJMR specialties are included allied.
  4. Careful physiological or pharmacological studies that explain normal function or the body's response to disease.
  5. Analytic reviews such as meta-analyses and decision analyses that use a formal structure to summarize an important field.
  6. Case report, Short Communication review book review and letter to the editor are included in the issue of EJMR.
  7. All articles will be checked for plagiarism. Authors are advised to make relevant references to material from which they have sourced while submitting articles.
  8. EJMR follows guidelines laid down by DOAJ, ICMJE, COPE and WAME.
  9. Improved content and English language editing.
  10. Reliable double blind peer review.
  11. Open Access- Full text of articles are available to visitors without login.
  12. Published in both online and print formats.
  13. Published Bi-annualy regularly.


Teaching Faculty (Medical, Dental, Nursing and Allied Health Sciences), Doctors (All Specialities), Dentists (All Specialities), Nurses (OT, Labour Room, Emergency etc.), Technicians (OT, Labour Room, Laboratory, etc.), Epidemiologists, Medical Students, Dental Students, Students of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, and Basic Science Researchers.


  1. Index Copernicus
  2. Index Medicus (IMSEAR)
  3. Research Bible (Academic Research Index)
  4. EBSCO, USA Information Services
  5. Inno Space, SJIF
  6. Root Indexing
  7. ProQuest
  8. IP Indexing Portal
  9. ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors)
  10. I2OR (International Institute of Organized Research)
  11. Avicenna Scientific Index
  12. Cross Ref
  13. PIF
  14. DRJI (Directory of Research Journal Indexing)
  15. ISI (International Scientific Indexing)
  16. J-Gate
  17. Cosmos
  18. EuroPub